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Redefining the Way 
We Move






The Awakening

Throughout history there have been individuals, organizations and religions that have championed peace, love and respect for one another.  Regardless of your background, we can all find someone in our lives or in the past that inspires us to be better.  Jesus Christ, Muhammad Abdullah, Buddha, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr, Pope John II and so many more have sought to teach us the importance of respect, love, family and quality.  

While I am not a political person by nature, I perceive and understand that certain things occur in my life for a reason, as God gives me the understanding or insight, recognizing His influence and guidance.  With that in mind, some if not all of what will be addressed will undoubtedly create discussion if not disagreement.  The intention is not to make a political statement, but because so much of our lives have become relegated to political issues, it is impossible not to address the relevance that politics and the government have in our community and this conversation.  It is my intention to create awareness and wake the slumbering people out of the indifference and ignorance that is so common.  

To do nothing is to consent to what already is.

  As a spiritual person who is devoutly religious, I am certain that God and His angels are watching over and guiding those who seek Him and His will for their lives and this world.  We are not alone, but we do have to be willing to allow Him to get involved.  Life will not be perfect no matter what and sometimes the paths that we travel are filled with danger, heartache, loss, and pain, but God is there and He loves each and every one of us.  We have been made in His image and it is time that we stop the hate, the anger, the indifference, the evil and selfish behavior towards each other and become a positive force for change in our lives, families, communities and the world.  

Instead of being bitter, ungrateful, resentful or jealous of what someone else has, we must learn to appreciate what we have and to be happy for others.  

When you give, you receive.

None of us are without sin and all of us need to be forgiven.  God loves us all the same and when we hate something that He loves we go against Him.  One day we will all be given judgment for the life we live now and then rewarded for the good or evil that we have committed.  Nobody is exempt.  Instead of pointing fingers and dwelling on yesterday’s failures, let us all move towards forgiveness, love with empathy, and real change.  

Remember that if we do not forgive we cannot be forgiven.  Healing and restoration can only happen if we as individuals decide to do our part and get involved.  To sit on the sidelines is to surrender without a fight.  


COVID 19 has caused further division and segregation of various populations, demographics and regions.  As government regulation, restrictions and intrusions into our lives have increased at an alarming rate, we see that the agenda is one designed to fracture and divide us at a time when we need to be focused on unity and restoration.  It is a dangerous precedent when our government begins to usurp individual rights and impose a ‘greater good’ mentality on the people.  Your greater good and my concept may vary greatly, but what concerns me more is when a handful of people in government believe that they have the right to not only determine what that ‘greater good’ is and then begin to unilaterally implement policies and laws that force everyone else to comply.  If we do not wake up and take back our God given rights and country before it is too late we won’t have anything left to save.  While on a national level the actions and mentality that is becoming pervasive is very concerning, on a state level we see dramatic differences in administration, resulting in dramatically different living environments.  Politicians who were supposed to represent us and advocate for our good have betrayed us to fuel their desire for money, power and fame.  Ironically, in many of the states where freedoms have been eroded or removed, we see that those who contributed or created the chaos ultimately leave the state themselves for a more conducive environment in one of the states that still retains a modicum of sanity and respect to the welfare of the people.  While there are some good politicians left that truly desire to help and do so with good intentions, many have been corrupted, manipulated, coerced and deceived into undermining the political process.  May God have mercy on our nation and help us to identify and remove those who are selfishly motivated.  Decisions need to be made based upon what is good for our country, our future, our children, our freedoms, and that are in the will of God.  We must endeavor to restore the sanctity of marriage and the family, because without structure, discipline, love and support, our children will continue to become yet another statistic.  


While there are many things that we all hold in common as a member of the human race, one of the most obvious is that each and every one of us has a MOTHER.  Motherhood is one of the most important responsibilities that exist and it is critical that we regain the understanding of this.  Traditionally, we see mothers being given honor and recognition in the Bible and other religious texts, as the catalyst for new life and the one who is primarily responsible for the guidance, nurturing, and love of each new generation.  The influence a mother has, whether good or bad, is not only paramount, but it is crucial in the development of an individual’s personality, perspective, and motivation.  We see a direct correlation to the rise in crime, decrease in education and increase in social, mental and emotional problems when there is a lack of stability that is provided by the family, with the mother being the cornerstone upon which everything is built. 

FATHERS are required to provide, defend, and lead spiritually.  As the head of the household, men have been given a great responsibility, that some abused or neglected to the denigration of the natural order of things and circumventing the will of God. Regardless of capability or intelligence, to ignore what God has created for the good of mankind is to create confusion and undermine the order that He established.  Within a loving family, there is structure, stability, discipline, accountability and direction that will enable a child to succeed in life.  Without these we see children being influenced by the media, their peers and society to their detriment.  


Let us pray that God helps us to restore and reconcile those who have gone wayward, and with faith, love and forgiveness, let us encourage those who have strayed to return home.



We cannot simply stand by idly and blame all of our problems on everyone and everything else.  It is time that we start spreading love and TRUTH.  We must not only teach respect; we must example it.  People need to know that they are not alone and that there are those who DO care.  Drugs and alcohol have destroyed our communities and stolen the hopes and futures of many.  While we seek to sympathize and empathize with those who struggle with addiction, until we help them replace the void that exists within them, we will not truly help them to REVIVE their soul and spirit.  That is accomplished through relationships, compassion, patience, love and kindness.  If each of us extends a hand to one person, then before long we are all connected and working together.  Regardless of past failure or mistakes, everyone needs a chance to stand up and start again.  How can we say that we love God when we ignore those who are in the greatest need.  Whether it is the homeless, aged and infirmed, mentally ill, veterans, orphaned children, physically disabled and/or anyone who is struggling to cope with life, we need to reach out a helping hand and be the love of God in action.

Love and life are two of God’s greatest gifts that cannot be purchased, only given.

People have become disenfranchised with ‘religion’ and many have stopped seeking God.  Whether it be because they feel church has become just another ‘business’ always seeking money and forgetting that God does not need nor require anything from us but LOVE.  Churches have bills and debt that must be considered and consideration should be made, but money should never be required or the focal point of any religious gathering.  To interrupt, impede or distract congregations from what is holy with that which is carnal (of this world) is disrespectful and counter productive.  Trust in God.  He will provide for His own.  However, we do need to remember that giving is required and expected by God, and if we tip our waitress more than we put in the offering then we may need to reevaluate our priorities. God has been serving you throughout your life. 




We are all called to spread the gospel ‘good news’ and share the love of God with the world.  I pray that those who are in positions of spiritual authority understand and remember that God sees all and if His name is being used for selfish or evil purposes, we all reap what we sow.  Humanity suffers from a sinful nature that predisposes us to rebellion, pride, lust, and selfish behavior.  God has provided us an opportunity for forgiveness and redemption, but the choice to accept His help and love is ours.  Death is not an end but a beginning, and that beginning is a never ending existence.  Let us remember what is important and that this life is short, but eternity is forever.  Just as salmon swim upstream to spawn, we too must strive against the current of popular culture and a wicked society so that we may give birth to new life in the form of hope.  Vigilance is required to stay aware of the Devil’s true intentions.  The things of this world can be enticing, but nothing is worth losing our soul over.  Jesus led captivity captive which means that He has given us freedom from our sins, guilt and shame.  Let us be aware that those things that tempt us will never satisfy and will most likely destroy us.  God has a plan and together we are stronger.  Evil may appear to prosper, but it is only temporary.  We must wake up and then warn others.  Not with judgment and criticism, but with understanding and love.  There is no peace without God.  How many stories of the rich, powerful and famous that self destruct, commit suicide or get caught up in a whirlwind of chaos, before we come to the realization that things of this world are not what really matter.  


We cannot hide or escape from God and once we accept His help and direction our lives will become more fulfilled.  To know peace and to have unconditional love is the most precious gift that we can receive and it is freely offered to those who are willing to seek and obey.  Forgiveness is key, and sometimes that forgiveness must start with you.  You must be willing to forgive yourself so that you can heal and be restored.  God is always there, always listening and He always cares.  All you have to do is ask and He stands ready to intervene and deliver us.  Do we seek His counsel or do we do what we want?  Do we believe His word or have we been deceived into believing that ‘we’ are our own gods?  That we control our destiny and that we are masters of our own fate.  While there is some truth to that, ultimately God is in control and He will have the last word.  Maybe it is time that we seek Him and ask Him for guidance and the strength to BE THE CHANGE.  








My name is David John St. Nicholas.  I have not always had the greatest life, but now because of the love of my wife and children, I am a blessed man.  I am rich in spirit and love because of God and my family.  I have found that through giving I have gained more than I could have ever imagined.  While money is necessary in our society, it is when we become slaves to it that we lose ourselves.  As a child growing up I was surrounded by family and friends that supported and loved me.  I did not always have the things of this world, but I had those that cared about me and cared for me, which was more important.  Having those that you can trust and depend on makes life easier and worth living. As a child I had friends that I could laugh and play with and even get into a fight with from time to time, but we always shook hands and parted as friends at the end of it.  Oftentimes, we endured cruel treatment at the hand of older children and bullies, which could lead to tension and frustration, but because of the strong bonds of friendship, family and loyalty, they could not weigh me down.  As a young boy I would often run away from home to escape the house drama and problems that we had and seek out a place nearby where I could wait until my mother calmed down and called me back to the house.  My father was often away on business, and even though he always returned with a present, his presence would have been better.  I thank God for my grandparents, close relatives and friends who provided me solace and refuge when I needed a place to escape to and find peace.  I always had an ear to listen when I needed to talk about my problems and discuss them without fear of recrimination. 



Life is hard and sometimes we have to be able to let it out.  When we repress and ignore the problems in our lives, like a festering wound, they will only get worse.  It was only through the love, understanding and willingness of others to listen, that I made it out of my childhood with strength and not weakness.  Secrets and shame can weigh us down, but when we are willing to be honest and open we can release the guilt and move on.  God and my wife are the only two who know all my secrets now, but I am so grateful that I know that I have someone that I can confide in and trust.  It is because of the hardships I have endured and the love that has been given to me, that I am determined to get involved.

My desire is to help people and to bring awareness to the circumstances of so many unfortunate souls in our city that desperately need someone to care.  Now I know it can be difficult sometimes to know whether someone is in genuine need or if they are scam artists who are taking advantage of the kindness of others to fund their drug use or illicit lifestyle.  We are instructed to be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove, so using common sense to evaluate a person and situation is good, but never forget that God rewards those who are generous of heart without conditions.  How many times have we received love, mercy, generosity or blessings that we didn’t deserve or expect?  We may never know which act of kindness saves a person from despair or feeds them for a day or opens up the door for change tomorrow.  Some of the most humble and polite people you will meet are living on the streets, and while their circumstances could weigh them down, many still find the inner fortitude to keep their head up and smile through the struggle.  




All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  There are no perfect people.  I have used drugs.  I was an alcoholic. I had knives and guns pointed at me,  I have been shot at 7 times and by the grace of God I was only hit once and survived to live another day.  The irony is that I was shot by someone that I knew and considered to be a ‘good guy’, but it just goes to show that we cannot truly know what lies deep within a person’s heart, mind, and soul.  Whether it be darkness or light that has been nearly extinguished, we all are God’s creation and I caution everyone to be careful when judging or assuming things about others.  I have had many encounters with danger in my life, but God brought me through.  He has a purpose and a plan for us all.  We should not simply dismiss or discard those who may have taken the wrong path or are living in a manner in which we disagree.  God loves everyone, although He does not love everything that humanity does.  The evil and greed in this world has blinded so many to the reality that God is real and so is heaven and hell.  I am not afraid of death and look forward to the day when I will be able to experience being in the presence of God and dwelling in eternal peace.  I want to caution everyone that God ‘knows’ and those who perpetuate evil and oppress others will not find forgiveness unless they too make a change and turn their lives around.  There will be those who deceive and betray us, but even Jesus had to deal with Judas.  We should also be aware that, like Judas, there are those who have failed that cannot cope with their failure or grief and choose to end their life.  Suicide is not the answer.  In the past I have attempted to end my life and by the grace of God I was unsuccessful.  I know what it is to give up and lose hope, but tomorrow is not written and with God all things are possible.  When I met my wife I found the person that I could trust and that trusted me.  Even when I let her down she forgave me and even though she may not have forgotten, she accepted me despite my shortcomings and loved me enough to stand with me no matter what.  Life without love is empty and miserable.  I know because I have been there and now it is my desire to help others who are enduring hardship or are in circumstances that they cannot handle alone.  Like the Samaritan who stopped on the roadside to give assistance to the man who had been robbed and beaten, we too must take time as we journey through life to stop and help those who are in need.  So many people get caught up in the daily grind and the pursuit of money, and they lose sight of what is truly important.  So many have become slaves to a system of debt and material wealth and the pursuit of pleasure that they forget that everything in this life is temporary, but the souls of those that they have stepped on to get ahead will one day have justice when God decides that He has had enough.  In a world that is more connected than it has ever been, people are becoming more and more disconnected every day.  Wandering around with their heads buried in their cell phone and consumed with entertainment and social media, oblivious to the truth of what is happening around them.  

When was the last time that any of us took the time to care for someone else without any thought of return?  That homeless person that you pass on the street or the little old lady crossing the road alone.  Maybe a child needs help with their homework or an ear to listen to them so that they feel heard, valued and important.  It would be easy to ignore the needs of others and unfortunately that has become the attitude of many these days.  Some may feel that they are unable to change anything so they don’t even try.  We must do more and we must understand that we are all interconnected.  What happens to one person will eventually affect others.  So often we make assumptions about others without really knowing who they are and what they have been through.  Even if their poor choices, mistakes or failures are the reason for their predicament, who among us has not failed?  Who among us has not needed forgiveness and help at some point in our lives? 

People fail but God does not.  

Sometimes it may feel as if He is not listening or does not care, but this is not true.  When we consider the evil, pain and suffering in the world, we might be deceived into believing that God is not involved, but that is not the case.  God had a plan that did not include sin, death or disease.  He gave us a perfect existence in the garden of Eden, but when Adam decided to rebel against God, all of the problems we now have to deal with began.  It is not the will of God nor His desire to allow sin and evil to run rampant in this world, but without removing our free will, which He will not do, eliminating all of the problems is not possible.  The temptation to become bitter or disillusioned with God when we experience loss or pain in this life, such as losing a loved one, is very real and difficult to deal with.  Aside from the most obvious point that could be made, that God does not answer to us and everything He does is perfect and with love, we also should consider that God knows best.  When people or things are removed from our lives unexpectedly or abruptly, maybe there is a greater purpose behind it that we cannot understand.  Do we quit our job every time we are assigned a task we do not like or do we immediately end a relationship with someone because there is conflict.  No, of course not.  So if we are able to adapt and accept hardship and/or less than ideal circumstances in life from day to day in the natural world, then should we not also give that same level of perseverance when it comes to our faith and belief in God?

I would also like to point out that God is not an ATM and if we have no relationship with Him, yet call out only when we need something, then we must consider that we are the reason that He does not answer.  If anyone has a child that does not listen to instruction, is rebellious and disobedient, and only acknowledges their parents when they need something, who among us would think that rewarding that child would be wise or productive?  More importantly, if the child is making choices that will eventually result in harm and/or even death if they do not change, wouldn’t we all want to do whatever was necessary to encourage them to do better?  God cares but sometimes He is waiting for us to do the right thing so that He can reward us.  To reward someone who is doing wrong would not make sense, and there would be no desire or need for change.   

  We can no longer be content to let ‘someone else’ deal with it or bury our head in the sand.  

For me it really hit home when my 11 year old son told his mother and myself that he is not afraid to die of covid 19.  I reached a breaking point and realized it was time that I did something.  The climate of fear and uncertainty that was being created was unacceptable, but instead of people getting educated and evaluating the situation objectively, we began listening to the politicians and media to form our perspective.  When did our country stop understanding that the media and politicians have agendas and those agendas may not align with ours, especially those who call themselves Christian.  


While pride and lust are powerful and destructive forces in our world, the love of money is the root of much of the evil that we face daily and there are many in this world who have ‘sold their soul’ to worship on the altar of mammon (cares and riches of this life).  We cannot allow their greed and disregard for others to obtain more wealth to deter us from becoming an instrument for change.  When we stand together we can make a difference, but divided we will fall.  



 With the economy in freefall, rising inflation and recession creating more hardship every day, it would be easy to find excuses about why not to get involved, but that would be wrong.  First, if we don’t do something now it will only get worse not better. Second, if we believe that there is a God then we must believe that He rewards those who do His will, and it is His will that we help each other.  The homeless population is growing exponentially and it will continue unless we recognize that the government is not the answer.  Addiction and mental illness are on the rise, and the answer these days for everything is take a pill.  Helping those who are in greatest need not only is what God desires from us, but it will help to make our communities safer, cleaner and more prosperous.  


Have we done what is necessary to prepare ourselves for His return?  Would we even believe in Jesus if He was standing in front of us or would we be too preoccupied with our own life to follow Him?  Have we made the decision to walk in the darkness or will we let the light of God illuminate the path and enable us to see the TRUTH.  How often have we felt the gentle stirring in our spirit that we ignored but later regretted not listening to it?  Life is short and today is the day that we have been given.

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